
Information about the school 2024-2025

An abundance of information about the school can be accessed via our website.

You will find a statement of the school’s ethos, aims and values here.

LGS Stoneygate is part of the Leicester Grammar School Trust, which also includes Leicester Grammar School and Leicester Grammar Junior School. A full list of trustees and their backgrounds can be found here and current staff are listed here.

The Chairman of Trustees is Mr Steven Gasztowicz. He can be contacted at chair@leicestergrammar.org.uk or via the main school reception on 0116 259 1900; parents may also direct any confidential correspondence to him via the school address.

Current school fees can be found here and scholarships and bursaries are covered here.

Full information on entrance assessments can be accessed here.

Most of our policies appear on the website here.

These include the school’s policies on and arrangements for: admissions; the curriculum; anti-bullying strategy; first aid; safeguarding; whistleblowing; health and safety; risk assessment; SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, EAL and EHC plans); ICT acceptable use; mental health and well-being; pupil behaviour, rewards, sanctions and exclusions; complaints procedure. Our latest inspection reports can also be found here.

The results of public examinations can be found here.

Prospective parents and parents requiring information relating to the workings of the school should not hesitate to contact us; we would be very happy to point you in the right direction or to make this available in hard copy.