After Care
An After care facility is available for children in Reception to Year 3. Whilst we make every effort to accommodate all requests for Aftercare, due to the very strict adult to child ratios we must observe for this age group, we cannot guarantee places.
Booking Policy
All bookings for Aftercare must be made on the attached booking form. Parents must indicate on which nights they require an Aftercare place for their child and forms MUST be returned to the School Office.
Charges & Refreshments
Aftercare runs from 3.15-5.20pm and a light tea is available on request. A typical tea consists of a sandwich, fruit, yoghurt, drink and a biscuit. There are various sandwich fillings available, for example tuna, cheese, ham, egg, bread and butter. Please indicate your child’s preferences on the booking form.
Charges for Aftercare and teas will appear on your termly invoice and are:
3.15pm-4.15pm £5
Tea at 4.15pm £1.50
4.30pm-5.20pm £5
The charges are subject to review from time to time and you will be advised of this.
If you wish to permanently reduce your Aftercare provision you must inform the School Office in writing one week in advance. Failure to do so may result in charges being made. If you wish to permanently increase your Aftercare provision you must apply in writing. We will make every effort to increase your provision but we cannot guarantee being able to do so.
Cancellation Policy
Regular users must cancel their place 1 week in advance to avoid being charged. If a child is absent from school due to illness please inform the School Office that your child was booked into Aftercare and no longer requires a place. In this case no charge will be made.
Occasional Use
If you wish to book a one off aftercare session please contact the School Office as soon as possible, or at the latest 48 hours before the provision is required. We will endeavour to fulfil all requests for Aftercare provision but due to the strict adult to pupil ratios we cannot always guarantee that places will be available at very short notice. Occasional use places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Parents will be asked to sign a sheet acknowledging use of this service so they can be charged accordingly on the termly bill.
Collection of Children
Children will only be dismissed to their parent or carer, unless written permission has been received to give permission for another adult to do so. If a parent uses the occasional use Aftercare and another authorised adult is collecting your child they will have to sign on the parent’s behalf to agree to the charges incurred.
Opportunities will arise for children in Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3 to attend after school clubs. If your child is going to attend a club inform either the School Office or an Aftercare Supervisor in writing of any alterations to Aftercare requirements. Children may still attend Aftercare if they have been to a club however the nominal charge of £5.00 still applies.