
Year 1

The transition from Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1 is smooth. Year 1 offers a vibrant and broad curriculum with the emphasis on practical learning.

We know children learn best when they are engaged and having fun, so lessons ensure all are busy and motivated, whether working during carpet time with the teacher, undertaking paired work or working on tasks independently. There are plenty of opportunities for children to explain their learning and to question in order to develop curiosity. Year 1 starts to develop independent learning as the children begin to take more responsibility when navigating through tasks.

Reading and writing are cornerstones of education and each child is encouraged, through carefully differentiated activities, to work at their own level and reach for the next challenge.

The children read daily and there are lessons in phonics, spelling, handwriting and creative writing. Maths skills are crucial building blocks and we use a variety of practical apparatus to develop number confidence. iPads allow the children to practise English and Maths skills through games and the Interactive White Board provides a great visual resource to aid learning.  

Science, History and Geography are taught through a topic based approach and the children participate in educational visits to enhance learning and bring topics to life.  We study Castles, Woodland Habitats and Animals (investigating our own woods) Polar Regions, Space, Famous People and Events and Life Cycles.  Trips include Warwick Castle, The National Space Centre and Lego Discovery Birmingham. We also have visiting speakers from the RNLI.

In Year 1 pupils build on their speaking skills learned in Reception: games, activities, songs, rhymes and role play are used. Pupils also develop French reading and writing skills during this year. Topics include: ‘introducing yourself’, greetings, questions and answers, colours and numbers, days of the week and family. The aim of this year is to further develop confidence in listening, understanding and speaking French.

The children continue to have specialist teachers for Music and PE and have access to a wide range of after school clubs and activities from Football and Lego Club to Golf and Yoga. Homework is topic based and encourages children to research or respond creatively to what they have been learning in the classroom.

Forest School and Outdoor Learning are an integral part of the curriculum, where we head outdoors into our beautiful woods and fields to learn confidence, leadership and personal skills and an understanding of our natural surroundings.

A small class and a flexible approach to learning and teaching by dedicated staff ensure that individual needs and different learning styles are catered for. This guarantees that the children in Year 1 achieve their full potential.